Hiphop inspired cozy girl. Comes with different outfits, PhysBones, and Expressions. If you like Jessa, please leave a rating :) Thank you! If you have any issues, please DM me on Discord: Frob#2910
How to Upload:
Import the latest SDK3
Import Poiyomi 8.0.295 (Free on github)
Import Package
Click "Jessa by Frob"
Head - Kri
Body - Pandaabear
Hair - Miruu
Socks - Hoizen
Body Texture - Blenity
Blindfold - Velvet
Techwear Belt - Newpnewp
Slides, Visor, Shirt - Haywee
Yoga Shorts - ImLeXz
Slip Ons, Tech Jacket, Half Parka - Kaycee
Bandana - harmlesscat
Neckchain - Alces
Sunglasses - RobVR
Sniper Mask - JAKY
Piercings - Luna
Nails - Gashina
Bikini - Itz.Q
Please do not use any of the assets on the avatar unless you have purchased them from the original creator.
Term of Use/Service for my Avatars/Models:
1. Do NOT redistribute my packages in any way, shape or form. (If you want to gift it to someone, put THEIR(the recipient) email address, discord tag and vrc name in when you are buying it!)
2. Do NOT make any of the avatars public.
3. NO uploads to others accounts.
4. Do NOT claim as your own.
5. You can NOT take/reuse ANY parts/assets/textures/etc. from my avatars.
6. The models/assets you buy from my shop are NOT refundable.
7. Price splitting my packages is NOT allowed.
10. I am not responsible for any updates that break the avatars, I will attempt to fix it, but cannot guarantee anything.
11. Your license (personal/commercial) is ONLY valid if you provide the appropriate information asked at check out (Full discord tag + VRC name). If that information is not provided, your purchase cannot be linked to you, and will NOT be valid, neither will your licenses.
By purchasing any of my Models/Assets you agree to the following rules above
Big thanks to R.J#6269 for editing and filming the showcase, and Blazing#6702 for dancing and taking pics with me! <3 :)
If you'd like to join my discord to get updates, join here!
Jessa by Frob